This weekend Wayne and i went Christmas Shopping and it was the first day we got snow! It was very exciting but very cold and the roads were really bad. As Wayne and I were driving away from his house, he quickly stopped his car, jumped out and this is what I saw.....We then had an adventure to the pet store just for kicks and giggles. I was looking at all the kittens begging Wayne for one! With the excuse that I missed Sophie, buthe continually stated that he was very allergic, and he would never want to comeover to my apartment. So I found the solution. I love this Cat! It is the same kindof cat that rachel gets on friends... I was so excited! Not only does it not have anyfir, but is only $600! So if i come home for christmas with my new friend, I'll leteveryone hold it.
You do remember the episode of friends. She had to wear hand mits to hold the creepy thing! Tell Wayne he is a good man always helping others out!!! Miss you guys Merry Christmas
there can be no logical reason for you to get that ugly,creepy creature!!!! That thing is a disgrace to its breed. Don't bring it any where near our home. MOM
You do remember the episode of friends. She had to wear hand mits to hold the creepy thing! Tell Wayne he is a good man always helping others out!!! Miss you guys Merry Christmas
Did you get the cat? Are they soft? Anyway... are you going to be in Utah for Christmas?
there can be no logical reason for you to get that ugly,creepy creature!!!! That thing is a disgrace to its breed. Don't bring it any where near our home. MOM
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