Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wade Hill

In Remembrance of Wade Hill
August 28, 2006

Today has been one of those days where a thousands thoughts are running through my mind all at once. I don't know exactly the feeling I have today.  Lately, life hasn't been so easy, and has been difficult to make some decisions. Wayne always says the same thing, I wish my dad was here, or, what would my dad have done in this situation. Like many know, I didn't know Wade very well, but I know the type of man he was by the way his children and wife speak of him. He was very honest, kind, generous, and most of all forgiving. Anyone who knew Wade, knew of these qualities. I know Wayne has always tried to be like his dad, but now more then ever.

Wade has 4 beautiful children, Wes, Heidi, Wayne, and Heather, two granddaughters, Olivia, and Malani, and soon to be a grandson. He also has his wife Hien who is still so madly in love with him. It truly makes you hope that your marriage is half as happy as theirs.

A few years ago I bought Wayne a Joseph Smith ring. For any of you that don't know, It has a black oval on the top that represents Eternity. Wayne seemed to love it right away, and never took it off, even though he insisted he wasn't a "ring" man. After a few months of him never taking it off, I asked him why he loved that ring so much. He told me, it reminds me of you, but mostly, it reminds me that I can see my dad again, and live with him for all eternity.

Family's are Eternal

1 comment:

Em said...


I miss Wade so much. He was like my second dad. I am so grateful for his example and how he raised his kids and treated his wife.

I am a better person for knowing him.