Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Meet Samuel

                                          Samuel Lee Hill

          Most of you probably are well aware by now that Wayne and I added a new addition to our little family. Samuel Lee Hill joined us on December 20th at 1:53am. He was 6 lbs 5 ounces. We weren't expecting him for another 3 weeks! I was having some little signs of labor so we decided to head to the hospital just to make sure nothing too serious was going on.... and I was right, nothing TOO major, just was in labor! The back pains I was feeling weren't just the norm, but actual contractions, and my water had started to break. So when the nurse said, well you're going to have this baby today or tomorrow I started to panic a little. I hadn't finished my Christmas shopping, my mom wasn't here yet, and actually having a baby was a little different then just imagining one. 
        Anyhow, there was no turning back, whether I felt ready or not he was coming! Everything went smoothly from there on out. We went to the hospital around 2 in the afternoon and he was born about 12 hours later. 
       He is now two weeks old and we couldn't be more thrilled about the little guy. He is a great baby! His two favorite activities consist of eating, and sleeping....  thats about it. We love him and can't wait to watch him grow. More pictures and videos soon to come....


The Gertsch's said...

MOLLY! congrats!!! He is so dang cute...i love his little face! Hope your doing well!

Emily Taylor said...

Thomas loves Sam, he keeps pointing at his picture on the computer and talking and laughing.

Em said...

He is beautiful!!!!! We are finally feeling better over here... I am going to wait another day then I am going to come snuggle him for awhile, if thats ok :)

Kell said...

what a gorgeous little man! i'm so happy for you two! our kids will only be a few weeks apart :) i'm happy to hear everything went okay!

Kristin said...

Congrats Molly & Wayne!! He's the cutest newborn I've ever seen!!!! Good work you two. So what ended up happening? Did you get Christmas shopping done? Did your mom get there in time? Tell us the story! :)

Aimilee said...

Nice to meet you Samuel, you have awesome parents!! Hope I can meet you in person one day!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you. What a shock to be having your little guy 3 weeks early. I guess he couldn't wait to meet you either. He is beautiful Molly!

just me (Angie) said...

congratulations he is so cute