Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh the Places we'll go!

We are moving here! 
Jacksonville Florida. 
Wayne was accepted to the accelerated nursing program
at Jacksonville University and we couldn't be more
excited! Wayne and I have been to Jacksonville to visit
and knew we would love living there for a period of our lives.
It is absolutely beautiful, and 10 minutes from the beach.
Who could complain?
Not us!

Love the campus!
And LOVE Wayne for working so hard to get in!
600 applicants, and only 40 spots.

Good Work.



Kristin said...

Congrats Wayne! It's a good thing you're a dad and getting used to dealing with poop... Poop is the worst part of nursing! BLEH! :)

So jealous you guys are going to live by the beach. You'll have to post TONS of pictures for those of us that are stuck in the desert. Thanks. :)

Em said...

Woo HOO!!!!! Great Job Wayne. I am so sad you guys are leaving though. We have loved being so close! You guys will be very missed but who knows maybe we can come visit.

Sabrina Says Blog said...

I'm so excited for your next big step in life!! I'm definitely going to come to visit you :)

I can't wait to see you in 1 week! Yippeee hoooray!

Unknown said...

Wow, way to go Wayne! That is awesome.
And I wouldn't be complaining either! I am so jealous!!

Shums said...

SO happy for you guys! Welcome to student life... only WAY better because you are in a sweet place!