Okay so I haven't blogged in ages! So I'm going all the way back to April. I'll summarize a tad what we've been up to these past couple months...
Enjoyed Easter Sunday looking for Easter baskets. Sam was stoked as you can tell.
And it was BRIGHT outside. Only pic we got. |
Packing up Wayne's moms house since she was moving into a new house. Wayne
went through some of his old boxes. Lets just say he found LOTS of baseball cards,
curfew tickets, AND |
Yes, that is a puzzle of Natalie Portman in Star Wars. Apparently
Wayne had a thing for her... Lets just say this wasn't the only
framed picture of her I found.... awesome.
Not only did we pack up Hien, (waynes mom) but packed up ourselves and headed
on our new adventure. Florida! Thats Wayne driving our moving truck, and towing
his car. He enjoyed the 2300 miles with Otis our dog, and I enjoyed half the trip in
my car with Sam. I thankfully only had to drive to Dallas.
Sorry for how nasty I look. So Wayne continued the journey to Florida, and I stayed
a week with my sister Emily and her family. This picture was us stocking George Bush's
house/gate. It was intense! Cameras everywhere, and a nice black tinted window SUV keeping their eye
on us. They were a little skeptical on the two whiteys sticking their cameras on their car
and snapping some pics. Honestly, it was exhilarating! Ask Em. |
Sam also started eating solids while we were there. Happy boy! |
After Dallas, Sam and I flew to Spokane to spend a month with my other family members.
Here is sam with Uncle Zac. Zac was home for the summer on break from Law school,
It was so fun having him there.
Papa and Sam. Always laughing at each other.
Sam loved spending time with his grandma. She was especially good at
putting him to sleep. |
Even though I don't have the pictures, we enjoyed having Natalie there. It's always nice
spending one on one time with sisters. (these photos were a small surprise on my camera.) Thanks Nat!
Having fun with his Cousins
The Rest are just random photos that were taken throughout the month that I was there |
(This pic wont rotate for some reason)
My sister Natalie snapped some pictures for me.
Thanks Natalie! Loved them! |
This is the only picture I got of Linz and I. But I'm so glad she lives in Spokane now!
We are in Jacksonville Florida! We moved into our new place, and enjoying the
hot weather, the beach, and living 2 minutes away from Wayne's brother and family. |
Diya, Malini, Sam and I at the farmers market
Sam and Otis hanging out while I unpack...
A little on Sam
Rolling over constantly
Drool Drool Drool (teething)
Still smiling 99% of the time
Pretend coughing to get our attention
Eating solid fruits and vegetables
Sleeping 10 hours a night
Wearing 9 month clothes
Turned 6 months old
Being the sweetest baby in the world
Cutest pictures, Molly! It will never cease to amaze me how you look stunning in every hair color. :) Sam is so adorable. You can definitely see how strong the norsdtrom genes are when all the cousins are side-by-side! Adorable!
I miss you both SO SO MUCH!! I'm glad you made it safe and sound and I bet Wayne is so happy he doesn't have to spend another month without his loves! I love you and miss you!
such a cute family!! We miss you guys. Glad to hear you made it safe.
I love your baby! Can't wait till he and Crew are teenagers giving us hell...
Sam is getting so big!!! We miss you guys!
What a fabulous update post! I loved reading it and seeing all the wonderful pictures. I love your hair color by the way.
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