Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nap Time

For anyone who is a mother, KNOWS that staying at home with a child is not as easy as some would like to believe. I am constantly trying to figure out where my time goes, and before I know it, i'm in bed sound asleep. However, one of my favorite parts of everyday is indeed Sam;s Nap Time. I normally have 3 hours in a day to do as I please. What I do with that spare time varies. My mental process is normally struggling between.... Taking a nap... Cleaning... Showering and getting pretty.... Playing on the computer... Desperate housewives... Talking on the phone.... Projects....

Lately I've been trying to lean more towards projects because I feel EVERYONE needs a hobby. Here are just a few that I've done recently, except the chalkboard. I just never showed that when I did it a bit ago.

Recovered my sewing box (tacky Indian/elephant print before)
Chalkboard so I can write sweet messages to Wayne

My Fall Wreath. Love this color combination
Totally want to decorate Sam's nursery in Owls... Created my own.
Made with fabric and put in a 16x20 frame.

Recovered 4 of our kitchen table chairs. Still need to paint the wood...
Painted Sam's dresser. Color is brighter in the picture. He seems to like it...
One other thing I do during his nap time...
Diet coke! Bad example? I think maybe

I thought I'd just add this little clip as well. These two are BEST FRIENDS


Emily Taylor said...

Also, I think you beat my crafting.

Sabrina Says Blog said...

Molly I LOVE THIS! You have always been so creative! I love your projects! And I love sam! he is getting so big!!

The Gertsch's said...

Love all your projects--especially your cute! Sam is getting so big, too!!!

Em said...

Cute projects!!! Wish you were still here and we could do some fun stuff together. Keep posting things you do so I can copy them :) ha!