Saturday, March 23, 2013

Recent doings

 Cliche' Chevron Quilt
   I know EVERYONE is into chevron lately. I agree it's cute, but
     not enough to decorate my entire house with it. HOWEVER,
      I saw this quilt on pinterest and thought, I HAVE to make this 
             for Sam. I have looked and looked for a twin size quilt that I could buy
       at a decent price, but it's pretty much impossible to find a cute one,
    so here we are! Made one myself... 


Thanks Mom for modeling my quilt
 Herb Garden
This is a terrible picture but I've wanted a herb garden for quite
some time now. Since I don't have a back yard or an area for
an actual garden, I thought I could get away with this 
small little piece. I bought the container at Joann's, used a
little yellow spray paint, and did some stenciling. Simple. Easy.

Growth Chart
Growing up we had a wall in our pantry where we marked
our height. We all loved it. Even our boyfriends made the wall.
I think my sister Abby had the tallest boyfriend. 6'8? 
Anyhow it created so many memories that I knew I needed one for my own 
little family. We still have a lot of moving to do in our lives, so I wanted
one I could take down, and take with us. 



1 comment:

Kristin said...

Love it all! You're so very talented! I especially like the idea of a move-able growth chart. I may have to copy you on that one. ;).