Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crazy Day at Work

I only have a week left of work. As the year comes to an end the kids are becoming more loud, rude, and disobedient. I guess this is a normal routine through out the years because spring fever is in the air. Even I am beginning not to care as much. However, yesterday took me for a turn that I was NOT expecting. Every day I take the students down to the lunch room to get their lunches. We eat alone. No other students are there except our class. We eat after first lunch, and before second. We share our time only with the lunch ladies. We were having a generally normal lunch when all of a sudden I heard screaming coming toward us. As I looked up from my seat I saw a women probably in her 30's approaching our table. She yelled at one of the students to get up shes taking her home. The student goes over to the other side of the cafeteria where a man was standing. 
       Now this women was not your typical 30 year old. She really was hopped up on something. Meth is my guess. I don't think she saw me since I was sitting at the table with the rest of the students. All of a sudden she started throwing out the "F" word to all the kids. "You better "f" leave (students name) alone, or I'll "F" mess you up!" All the students were dead quiet. Even I was in complete shock! As soon as I stood up I could tell she was in shock herself that a teacher was there. I ask her, who she was. She informed me she was (students name) aunt. I told her that she had no right to be here, and especially no right to use that kind of language. She started yelling at me, that this (f) kids pick on (students name) and that shes had enough of it. I inform her that if that is true, this is not the place, nor the way to be handling it and she needs to leave IMMEDIATELY  or I would call the cops. She left.
        After she left, the students couldn't stop informing me that they thought she was going to punch me! "What would you have done!" I just laughed and said "that's what my pepper spray is for." They all know I carrying pepper spray on me. My husband wanted to get me a little gun, I rejected, so this was its replacement.
    Anyhow, conclusion of this story, she is getting in trouble, she denied the whole thing, and no one wonders now why this certain student acts the way she does..... Shes known for acting out, cussing, yelling, everything you can think of. Great example shes got. Also turns out she was just a family friend, not an aunt... liar.
 Now I know this student gets picked on. Every student in this class gets picked on. It is their way of covering up the hurt they feel inside. I just don't think this women realized what type of class Summit is. Angel children do not exist here. No sirree

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