Friday, June 18, 2010

Beautiful Hawaii

Wayne and I were able to go to Maui, Hawaii for a week with his family a few weeks ago. Every day for a week we enjoyed new adventures.... here were a few of the MANY pictures I took. It was wonderful to be able to relax for a week and not have a worry in the world.... for the most part. (that to come later:) 

End of road to Hana- 7 pools, beautiful

Cave by the Black Sand beach

View from road to Hana (what you don't see is how sick I was, 
and being forced out of the car)
Black Sand Beach
Snorkeling Trip- Swimming with Sea turtles, Large fish, and 
enjoying a wonderful boat ride through the ocean
Amazing trees
                                                Delicious steak dinner with the whole family


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I feel like we were just there after looking at your great pictures. You two look great by the way! I loved the bamboo forest, snorkeling, the 7 sacred pools, and the black sand beach (I took home a little bottle of that sand). The Road to Hana made my car sickness come out full fletched but it was so worth it! I am so excited that you were able to experience that. Did I mention that being pregnant on that car ride didn't make it easier for me? I am sorry you had to endure that. Congratulations by the way! I would love to see more pictures. Were you able to watch the sunrise on top of Haleakala? Gosh, can I leave a bigger comment here?! ;)
I will say you guys look spanking cute in your photos. Love ya Molly!

Sabrina Says Blog said...

These pictures are SO pretty! I wish I could have gone with you! I miss you so much and can't wait until you get back here!