Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birthdays and Big News

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Wayne!!! Today he is 28. This is our 4th birthday spending together.... actually 3, one I was in china, but 4th being together. I am so happy to be married to the most amazing man ever! i don't know how I was so lucky to find him but I did! Not only is he the most wonderful husband, but I know will be a GREAT father which he soon will be.
Yes we are expecting our first baby January 7th. We are very excited! Although I am constantly tired, and have no type of appetite, I feel this pregnancy has been quite easy!  I am 12 weeks so we felt it was safe to start telling people! 
Anyway, pictures of this years birthday soon to come!

                                 Wayne's 24th birthday, and the beautiful cake I made him

                                                   27th birthday, first year married

       (this is not a birthday pic, but just wanted to show off how awesome my husband is at rugby)


Kristin said...

Congratulations times a million!!! You're so lucky! You guys will have the most gorgeous baby. So Happy for you both. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl.

Lol - awesome rugby picture

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthdat Wayne! The rugby picture is awesome. Congrats Molly and Wayne! You are going to have the cutest baby. I cant wait to see him or her.

Sabrina Says Blog said...

I love you guys!! I am SOOO excited to come see your baby! You should put up pictures of your ultra sound!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Molly! Of course I agree with my sister on this that you are going to have one cute babe!

Devin, Melia, and Eli said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is so exciting! You will love being a mom, honestly it's such an amazing thing! I am so excited for you and Wayne! HOW EXCITING!!!!