Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Proud Parent

I don't have a lot to say about April except it was a good month. Our Saturday mornings were spent watching Sam play soccer. He may have been half the size of the rest of the kids, but he ran his little heart out. I have dreamt for a long time on being a soccer mom, and this season it came true. I have to admit though, I did thoroughly enjoy watching the benched kids, playing in the dirt, picking their noses and making faces at one another. It's the little things that make life humorous.

I also spent time at the Orlando Temple with some of my young women from our church. It was beautiful, and such a fun trip driving with 4 loud, crazy girls, singing their little hearts out, introducing me to all their favorite bands. I love being in the Young Women's presidency. These girls have such strong testimonies that strengthen me. Their excitement for life, and the gospel is such an inspiration, and I truly love them.

For some reason I decided to take a "pretend somethings funny" picture?

My favorite part about this month however was celebrating Easter. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. The feeling during the entire month filled our home with such joy. We sadly missed our wards Easter egg hunt, (thought it started a hour later) But two sweet 11 year olds in our ward went outside and hid all their eggs for Sam to find. I was truly grateful. Sam loved finding Easter eggs with his two little friends and devouring the candy right after.

Wayne is the Cub Master for our church. He planned a pinewood derby for all the boys. Even though Sam is a tad bit under age for scouts, Wayne and him built a car together. I didn't actually expect him to race his car, but he did, and he won one of the races! Pride and joy radiated from my sweet little 3 year old, and even more from my husband:) It was a great month indeed.

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